Friday, July 30, 2010

Matched Pair Analysis Comparing Surgery Followed By Radiotherapy and Radiotherapy Alone for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression [Palliative and Supportive Care]

In the JCO this week:

A retrospective international series, calls into question the results of the Patchell Study of decompressive surgery before RT in spinal cord compression. The Patchell study demostrated a significant benefit in terms of recovery of amulation in addition to other neurologic endpoints, as well as survival. This study matched pairs of 1:2 for surgery + RT and RT alone, and, in short, found no differences. The authors of this JCO article conclude that the population in the randomized trial was very selected, and that perhaps, in a broader population the question should be subject to another randomized trial.

I don't know how much enthusiasm there would be to run such a trial again, and at least in our experience, surgery is reserved for the most selected population, mostly likely to benefit (single tumors, controlled primaries, etc.). Additionally, like the Patchell study, laminectomies (which make up a fair portion of the retrospective study) are not routinely recommended, as direct decompressions are a superior surgery in these situation.

Nonetheless, this is an interesting article looking at a common situation that has little randomized data to guide treatment.

Link and Abstract

Matched Pair Analysis Comparing Surgery Followed By Radiotherapy and Radiotherapy Alone for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression [Palliative and Supportive Care]: "Purpose

The appropriate treatment for MSCC is controversial. A small randomized trial showed that decompressive surgery followed by radiotherapy was superior to radiotherapy alone. That study was limited to highly selected patients. Additional studies comparing surgery plus radiotherapy to radiotherapy could better clarify the role of surgery.


Data from 108 patients receiving surgery plus radiotherapy were matched to 216 patients (1:2) receiving radiotherapy alone. Groups were matched for 11 potential prognostic factors and compared for post-treatment motor function, ambulatory status, regaining ambulatory status, local control, and survival. Subgroup analyses were performed for patients receiving adequate surgery (direct decompressive surgery plus stabilization of involved vertebrae), patients receiving laminectomy, patients with solid tumors, patients with solid tumors receiving adequate surgery, and patients with solid tumors receiving laminectomy.


Improvement of motor function occurred in 27% of patients after surgery plus radiotherapy and 26% after radiotherapy alone (P = .92). Post-treatment ambulatory rates were 69% after surgery plus radiotherapy and 68% after radiotherapy alone (P = .99). Of the nonambulatory patients, 30% and 26%, respectively, (P = .86) regained ambulatory status after treatment. One-year local control rates were 90% after surgery plus radiotherapy and 91% after radiotherapy alone (P = .48). One-year overall survival rates were 47% and 40%, respectively (P = .50). The subgroup analyses did not show significant differences between both groups. Surgery-related complications occurred in 11% of patients.


In this study, the outcomes of the end points evaluated after radiotherapy alone appeared similar to those of surgery plus radiotherapy. A new randomized trial comparing both treatments is justified.


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